Original Sculptures - Horses

I have sculpted several horses so far, after a pause after the more awkward beginnings and trying out different materials, I have done a couple of them in the last two years. On the following image you can see them all:
Original Sculptures Horses

More detailed images of the single sculptures you find here (except the very newest ones who need to be added still): http://modelhorses.my-ivory-tower.de/de/oscs.htm/

When you visit my creative blog here: http://ivorystablenews.blogspot.com/ you can use the tool bar ot the top of the page and fill in "osc" as search term, this should turn up a lot of "making of" pictures.

Original Sculptures - Other Animals

So far I have only made OSC dogs beside the horses, but I sure want to attempt some cats, a pig and a cow in the future.

Original Sculptures dogs

Copyright © M.G.